About Italy

Study In Italy: Indian students choose Italy for Technology, fashion, and art, most
Indian students choose Italy to study fields such as Automation, Production, Design,
Communication & Management. The leading universities in Italy include
Universita di Bologna, Politechnico di Milano, Unv of Pisa, Unv of Rome…..
The Italian Higher Education System:
Italian higher education is structured as the university sector and the non-university sector.
The Italian Higher Education System:
Italian higher education is structured as the university sector and the non-university sector.
The Italian Higher Education System
At present, the university sector is made up of 89 university
institutions which are classified in:
58 State universities.
17 non-State universities (legally recognized by the State).
2 Universities for foreigners.
6 Higher schools specialized in postgraduate university studies.
6 Telemetric universities.
The non-university sector includes 4 education typologies with
their institutions:
Higher schools of design: polytechnics for the arts, academies
of fine arts, higher institutes for applied arts, music conservatories and
recognized music institutes, higher institutes for musical and choreographic
studies, national academies.
Higher education in language mediation: higher schools for
language mediators.
Higher integrated education (FIS): programmes of higher
technical education & training (IFTS)
A few specific fields (e.g. archiving, diploma tics,
restoration, military studies, etc.) which, along withtheir respective
institutions, fall under the supervision of ministries other than that of
Bologna Process
” (Bologna Declaration,
June 1999) is being implemented all over Europe. Today, Italy ranks among the 8
most industrialized countries in the world. Alongside some big companies, both
state-owned and private, it has developed a sound network of small and
medium-sized undertakings, promoted a few scientific parks, and is
incentivizing basic and applied research in a great variety of fields (Biology,
ICT, Medicine, Physics, etc.).
Italy has many oldest
continually operating universities in the world. University of Bologna is
believed to establish in 1088.
Italy has 14
universities ranked among world top 500 in the latest rankings by QS 2016
Videsh Consultz services to students
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Universities and
Courses Selection
Universities and
Scholarship Application
Visa Guidance and
Pre departure briefing
& Air Ticketing
For any details reg
Study in Italy, constact Videsh Consultz on 9676502888, 040-40030088
Videsh Consultz: G14 & 15, KuberaTowers, Narayanguda, Hyd-029, TG, India
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